Tulum, Mexico - Pandemic
Yes, I traveled internationally in the middle of a global pandemic. I know, it is completely wild and ridiculous to some and I completely respect your opinion(s). But when you are an avid traveler like myself and you have not been on a vacation since August 2019, the world honestly seems like a bore. Dramatic much? Maybe. But my friends and I packed our bags and literally said f--- it, we out (shrugs shoulders)!
I received soooo many questions about my Tulum, Mexico travels that I felt like I should make a blog about my traveling experience. I will do a separate post of what we did, where we ate and so on separately. This is strictly for the folks who are curious about traveling outside the country during a global pandemic.
First, let me say this, I took an antibodies test about three weeks before I traveled outside the country. My personal thought process was if I test positive for antibodies, I personally would feel much more comfortable going on a trip anywhere. My thoughts were, I was semi at a better risk of not getting sick or sick again rather had I tested positive for antibodies. Second, my blood type has been reported to be of higher or better immunity against the virus. So, personally I felt double “protected” or less leery to go on this trip. I do recommend you take a COVID test at your local testing center as well as the antibodies test to clear your own conscious and a level of defense for yourself and others.
I cannot honestly pinpoint when I could’ve had the virus. I, fortunately by the Grace of God, did not have any of the notable serve symptoms commonly reported on the news or experienced by some people. I can only say that in December I had what I thought to be a common cold for almost a month. Outside of that, in March I experienced some very serve headaches/migraines for about a week and half which I do not typically experience. Other than these two experiences I cannot say with confidence when I had the virus but I am fortunate to God to have had a seemingly unwavering experience with this virus.
I am going to list the most common questions I received about traveling to Mexico during a global pandemic. Hopefully this helps those who have the bug to get away from the madness as well. Whatever you decide to do still be careful and cautious.
1. Were there any restrictions/requirements to get into Mexico?
-No, there were not any travel restrictions to fly into Mexico. The only restriction I am aware of is that the Mexican border could be closing for LAND travel only. The Mexican border has never been closed for AIR travel during the entire pandemic.
2. What airline(s) did you fly? What airport did you depart and arrive to?
-I flew from JFK International Airport to Cancun, Mexico. Going to Mexico I flew on Delta Airlines. Returning to JFK I flew JetBlue. Both flights were not at capacity. Delta was not full, and they skipped middle row seating. JetBlue flight was prob 35-40% capacity so the plane was emptier going back home.
3. Did you have to provide a COVID test within 72 hours of arriving to Mexico?
-No, Mexico is not one of the places that require any testing proof showing that you are negative. Most of the Caribbean islands require you to provide COVID test results that are within 72 hours before you arrive. I’d check this before deciding to go anywhere because travel advisories are constantly changing quickly.
4. Did you have to do any test at the airport(s)?
-Nope. There was no testing done in the United States or in Mexico at all.
5. Did you have to self-quarantine coming back?
-As of right now, Mexico is not on any list by United States federal or local (New Jersey – I am a NJ resident) government that requires you to self-quarantine when you return back home.
6. Was there an app in Mexico or when you returned home that tracked your whereabouts?
-No, there aren’t any apps in Mexico or at home that were required to downloaded for tracking purposes. I probably would’ve had issues if it were (Sounds creepy).
7. How was it in Tulum, Mexico? Safety Precautions?
-Tulum, Mexico was not super busy as it would probably be for a normal fourth of July weekend. The nicer restaurants in Tulum on the main strip did not go over 40% or 50% capacity. Most, if not all, of the the places we went to took our temperatures before allowing you to come into the facility. There is an endless supply, surprisingly, of hand sanitizer that is given to you before you go into any facility as well.
8. Is everything business as usual in Tulum, Mexico?
-Yes and no. I think this requires your own research of hotels, excursions, sightseeing, and restaurants you may personally have in mind. The list would be too long to go from memory about what is open or not. I simply do not know every single facility open and closed in Tulum Mexico.
9. Were masks enforced in Tulum, Mexico?
-Mask were not enforced throughout Tulum, Mexico, however, there were people wearing them both citizens and tourists. The workers at most if not all the places we we went were required to wear mask and gloves. We still had mask with us everywhere we went and wore them when we felt like we needed to of course.
10. Did Tulum, Mexico enforce have a curfew for places to be closed?
-Yes, restaurants and clubs were closed at 11pm. This is obviously subject to change as time goes on. Again, something I would check out before traveling or when you arrive in Tulum. From my knowledge there were no clubs/lounges open beyond 11pm.
Other tips and tricks:
Use common sense, honestly. Be safe and cautious as if you were in your hometown. I travel often, yes, but I am not a travel guru or a medical expert for traveling during a global pandemic. I did what I felt comfort with and what I felt was best for me and the people I traveled with. I recommend doing your own research whether you travel to Mexico or another country that is allowing Americans in. There are many restrictions and guidelines for a lot of other places specifically the Caribbean. The COVID-19 virus is still very unpredictable, and no answers have been 100% for anything. Stay vigilant and safe whatever you do decide. Happy Traveling!